torsdag 20 februari 2025

Vittnesmål om Empty Nose Syndrome – Videor med Drabbades Erfarenheter

I have never talked about what I am going through. People ask me all the time. What's going on ..And I just stay quiet about it. I get inboxes from you guys asking me what is empty nose syndrome ... For the first time in two years I'm going to tell my story and what I am going through... And we will talk to others who have the same condition and they are worse than I am

Posted by James Jones on Monday, October 30, 2023

We back with another episode of Empty Nose Syndrome revealed. I'll be talking to a couple of people about how this devastating condition has altered their life.

Posted by James Jones on Saturday, November 4, 2023

I normally don't do live videos this early. But I have two guests who live on the other side of the world and it is a major time difference . They both have empty nose syndrom..It has completely changed their lives.. Join with me as I talk about what they are going through.

Posted by James Jones on Sunday, November 19, 2023

Se utbildande videor om risker med näsoperationer – Empty Nose Syndrome och skadade näsmusslor

What Is ENS? An Introduction to Empty Nose Syndrome
Shattered Trust - Version 1: Episode one and two (ENS Explained)

The Medical Science Behind Empty Nose Syndrome

The functional and psychological burden of empty nose syndrome

Shattered trust version two (episode one)

A Condition Called Empty Nose Syndrome Left This Woman Struggling To Breathe

Lecture by Dr. Eugene Kern from the USA on Empty Nose Syndrome, full length

Robert Bodlaj lecture about Empty Nose Syndrome

Michael Jackson's death and Empty Nose Syndrome - testimony of his doctor

Breathing expert Patrick McKeown at Buteyko Clinic speaks about ENS

Tom Näsa Syndrom – Guide för diagnos och behandling av skador till följd av konkoplastik och septoplastik

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